Friday, October 29, 2010


Menegos Jacob

Tell-Tale Heart
So far this year we have read at least 4 stories and out of those 4 stories my favorite was Tell-Tale Heart. This is because Tell-Tale Heart it was very interesting and it kept me wanting to read more. The ending was very shocking and when i finished it made me want to read it again. This book first starts with this crazy old man with a neighbor that has a messed up eye. It really bugs him and he thinks the only way of getting rid of it is by murdering the guy! In the end the guy goes nuts and tells the police where he hid the body. The police were shocked to find it under the floor boards, they were even more shocked when they found out that he was the was the murder. Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allen Poe has descriptive figurative language, suspense, and a shocking conclusion, and that what I loved about the book.

In Tell-Tale Heart the descriptive language is very well put, it really pulls you into the story. " Until, at length, a single dim ray, like the thread of a spider" is just one use of the figurative language in this story. there is also a lot more such as, " And now a new anxiety seized me". Now that's an excellent way to use descriptive language!

The suspense in this story makes you just want to jump out of your skin. It sends a scary shiver through your bones and makes your mouth drop completely. Its probably going to be one of the best suspense stories we read this year. "Although he neither saw nor heard-to feel the presents of my head within the room. Now that's a good way to catch a reader! But that's just one way he uses suspense in this story. If you ever need to use suspense just think of Edgar Allen Poe.

The conclusion in this story is just shocking. He ends up going nuts and actually killing the old man. He suffocates the old man with his mattress. " He was stone dead". After he killed him he cut the old man up and hid him under the floor boards. He said no one would ever find him unless.... he went crazy and turned himself in because he thought the old man was still alive, when it was only him losing his mind. He screamed "I did it, I killed the old man!" They arrested him on the spot. " His eye would trouble me no more" said the man as they pulled him away.

In this Edger Allan Poe did as best as he could to pull the reader into his story. I think he did an excellent job on it to. He captured the reader by using figurative language, suspense, and an amazing conclusion. And in the end Edgar Allen Poe is one crazy person but he was still a very influential writer.


  1. there isnt very many sentences. but what is there is good.

  2. that was pretty good all it needs is a hook

  3. i think it would be better if you didnt use the same subject titles as me
