Thursday, January 27, 2011

Social Studies Assignment for Thursday, Jan.27th

Good Morning!

As I told you previously, I am at a meeting all day at the district office. Therefore, you will have a guest teacher today. Be good! :)

Listed below are the explorations I would like you to do today.

1) Complete your process paper for the History Day project. (If you already have, please print a copy for the guest teacher.)
2)Conference with your group and decide what else needs to be completed on your History Day project. Assign people jobs and give a list of those jobs and people to the guest teacher.
3)In your history day groups, Go to:
This is a page on the white house's website. Focus on the presidents below.

Our Presidents

* 1. George Washington
* 2. John Adams
* 3. Thomas Jefferson
* 4. James Madison
* 5. James Monroe

4) Read each president's biography on the web pages. Make a concise summary of the importance and affect that president had on our country. Imagine how our country would be different without each president.

5) Go to and make a glob with this info. This assignment is worth 50 points and will be on Quarter 3's grades.

Have fun!
Mrs. Jacques

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

single gender school debate paper process

Emily, Denisse, Sarah


History Process Paper


   As a group, we chose the subject about the debate on single-gender schools because it is still going on today which was really interesting for us. Many schools around the world are different but should boys and girls be together in the same schools? Do they learn better with or without the opposite sex? By looking at some research, boys and girls could learn well together. What we found interesting was that many people believe that children learn better in school with the opposite gender than being at a single-gender school.

    For our research, we used this website: to look at the debates between single-sex schools. Another resource we used was on where we used many facts about the debate for our website. These resources really helped us with the problems going on  

    We chose to do a website because we thought it was a great idea for many people to visit our site and learn about the different debates on single-gender schools. For our website, it includes the debate, history, successes/failures, games, and pictures of the single-sex schools. The process of our project has been a success because we found some great information about the problems between a mixed-gender school and a single-gender school.

     This topic has to do with the successes and failures with single-gender schools. Many people believe that single-gender schools are better than mixed, but others disagree and so does my group and I. This topic is influential to the whole world because every school is different, so many people disagree about some situations like having schools with or without the opposite gender. 


Process Paper

The assignation of JFK

                            Beyond the magic bullet

                               By: Joshua mellinger


It started out with being bored. I was flipping through the channels when I stopped on a show trying to prove the magic bullet theory wrong and that was so interesting that I wanted to do this for my report. I found this topic so interesting, it was amazing what people would believe that’s what made me want to choose this topic.


To find all of my information I just referred back to that video which was called beyond the magic bullet. It gave me all the information I needed. I sometimes referred to google images to find pictures to post on my web site but that was all I needed to do.


To conduct my research I started a web site from the national history day site. Then I wrote about the conspiracy saying what it was and then added a video about that. Then in my next paragraph I said what really happened then concluded that with another video.


This relates to the theme because this event was very bad and a very memorable event in history. There were a lot of conspiracies spreading around like the magic bullet. So I thought it was very important to set some things straight.



National History Day Process Paper


The first section should explain how you chose your topic.
Ask yourself:
1)What prior knowledge did I have of this topic? What class did I learn something about this?
2)How did you narrow down your topic?
3)What was interesting/appealing about this topic to you personally?
The second section should explain how you conducted your research.
Ask yourself:
1)What types of research sources did you use? Explain why and how you used them.
2) What different websites did you utilize?
The third section should explain how you selected your presentation category and created your project.
Ask yourself:
1) Why did I choose a website or documentary?
2) What was the process of making your project?
The fourth section should explain how your project relates to the NHD theme.
Ask yourself:
1)What does your topic have to do with debate and/or diplomacy?
2) Why is your topic influential in the history world?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tanner's Persuasive


The National Disgrace

              “Thousands of puppies are raised each year in commercial kennels.” Ever since World War 2, farmers were looking for other ways to make some money. “Puppy Breeding.” They thought. There are seven states nationally known for puppy breeding. Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. What can you do to stop the national disgrace overly breeding puppies?

              “Puppy mills are distingue by a constant breeding of unhealthy and genetically defective dogs solely for profit.” The puppies that come from the puppy mills often have diseases, emotionally sick from being in a tight cage for years. But later to find out that your dog is dieing, or have to pay thousands of dollars to fix a sick puppy. What would you do? Here are some solutions to solve the national disgrace of puppy mills.

              “Dogs in puppy mills are debarked often by ramming a steel rod down their throats to rapture their vocal cords.” But there is way to help, to help the misery. You can tell everyone you no about commercial kennels. Tell them to not buy a puppy from a pet store. Because if they stop buying puppies from the pet store they stop buying puppies from the mills.

              To help stop puppy mills, and all these cruelty you can also do the following. You hand flyers, and make newspapers to everyone and teach them about the animal cruelty that happens in the puppy mills. You can also make contribution ending the misery. You can do so much, just a little help can put them out of business.  

              “Thousands of puppies are raised each year in commercial kennels.” Now you can know about puppy mills, and know can help end the national disgrace of puppy mills. Join us and together we will end the suffering.   

Thursday, January 20, 2011

           Death penalty  by:joshua mellinger

Should we lower the standards for our death penalty or not? We should because people don’t want a criminal back on the streets but that doesn’t mean you steal a candy bar and get a death sentence. I the idea means for criminals who have a life sentence because what’s the point they are going to die in jail might as well. Usually people who are charged with a high degree of murder get a death sentence as well as people who are charge of rape or sexual harassment multiple times if the person being harassed is under age or under 18. Do you believe that if you commit any kind of murder or rape and sexual harassment no matter what age or degree. But should the injections be painful?

Criminals are not frightened by the fact that the lethal injection doesn’t hurt, so they should make it painful because it would scare criminals not do commit severe crimes and they deserve it for all the bad they have caused. But people would complain that’s inhuman. There people to but they aren’t they are criminals but that’s not really a valid answer so my other idea is that a rumor spreads that the injections were really painful but are not and any one and no one would know because to find out you would have to die. But what augments would we have against people who didn’t believe in the death penalty?

Well one person might say that the death pertly goes against human rights. The proper augment to that would be that it does not because the injection would be painless and that they would not feel anything unless voted on to make it painful or as I said to spread a rumor that it is when it is really not .Another one would be that the death penalty standards should not be raised but lowered. But if that happened then people would get more life sentences and then jail would fill up faster and put more deadly people in prison which may cause in an increase in riots. This may cause more deaths in just our prisons and people who work in the prision. Now we use lethal injections but should we bring back some older uses of the death penalty?

The death sentence dates all the way back to the middle ages were people would be hung up in a cage and rot up there on other separate occasions there would be beheadings. There was also a lot of torture. Then later on there was something called the electric chair which was most recent to our now lethal injections. What this machine would do is kill you with electricity basically but should they bring it back instead of the lethal injections. First it would probably scare people because it is not known as the least painful thing in the world but then again that’s why we got rid of it so to bring it back it would take a long time and then would have to vote on it.

Overall our crime and punishment system is good but the death penalty should be raised or easier to get it. This would be really hard to change because it would need to get approved to just get voted on and then the voting would need to get passed but I think that it is worth it.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

evolution-emily lehman

Emily Lehman

Evolution vs. Creation

Does evolution explain every living thing that we see in the world today? For instance, many people feel that humans evolved from apes. Evolution is the theory in which species of animals change from generation to generation by such process as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. But can evolution explain how life began? Can the theory of evolution be supported by science or is science now proving that all things were created? The answers to these questions may surprise you.

So did life begin by chance, or was there a Creator who created everything? One of the most highly respected philosophers in the past 50 years, Antony Flew did not believe in a Creator. He published a paper in 1950 titled "Theology and Falsification" which became the most widely reprinted philosophical publication of the 20th century. In 1986, Flew was known as the most profound critic of a belief in a Creator or God. So it came as a great shock to many when, in 2004, Flew announced that he had changed his viewpoint. What made Flew change his mind? In a word, science. He became convinced that the universe, the laws of nature, and life itself could not have arisen merely by chance. When I look closely at nature I also come to the same conclusion. "The important point is not merely that there are regularities in nature," wrote Flew in 2007, "but that these regularities are mathematically precise, universal, and tied together. The problem for Evolutionists is how do they now explain how life comes packaged in this fashion? For those who believe in evolution, science seems to be proving otherwise. For this reason, let's look at what other scientists have to say.

Many highly respected scientists do not consider it unscientific to believe in a Creator. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton concluded that the highly sophisticated designs found in nature had to come from "the Mind of God." Everyday experience tells us that something highly designed had to have a designer. The laws of physics says that a bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, and yet it does! Cambridge Professor John Barrow says that the belief in "the evolution of life and mind" hits "dead-ends at every stage. There are just so many ways in which life can fail to evolve in a complex and hostile environment that it would be sheer hubris to suppose that, simply given enough carbon and enough time, anything is possible." Evolutionists would argue that Charles Darwin's theory on the evolution of species proves how each species of living plant or creature evolved overtime. However, I say, have you noticed that it's still called the "theory" of evolution and not the "fact" of evolution. No one has ever seen evolution take place. Now, let's look at the argument against evolution from a common sense point of view.

Wouldn't you say that the universe, its laws, and life only being found on Earth just happening by chance to be an unsatisfying explanation? Keep in mind, too, that life is not just an assortment of chemical elements. Have you ever heard of DNA? Well, DNA is found in all living cells and contains an extremely sophisticated form of information. So when we talk about the origin of life, we are also talking about the origin of biological information. Would chance accidents produce complex information, such as a computer program, a cellphone, or an ipod? Of course not. Yet, When it comes to sophistication and efficiency, none of these even begin to compare with the information stored in the DNA of living organisms. So don't you think that it's odd that we would say that a cellphone, obviously, had to be created, but a single strand of DNA which has a "gazillion-times" more information than a cellphone, evolved by chance? Here's another example: you're walking in Wright's Field and you notice a stone that is more or less square. You may attribute that shape to chance, which would be reasonable. But later, you come across a stone that is perfectly formed in the shape of a human face down to the finest details. Would you think that this stone was made by chance? No. Your logical mind would say, "someone made this." Consequently, why is it so difficult to look at any living organism, including ourselves, as being created but we can look at a rock or carved stone and say, "that was definitely created."

Clearly, evolution doesn't explain every living thing that we see in the world today. Even science seems to be pointing towards creation and many respectable scientists support creation over evolution. In his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, molecular biologist Michael Denton concluded that the theory of evolution "is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious....scientific theory." He also referred to Darwainian evolution as one of the greatest myths of our time. I've always believed in a Creator and I think it's amazing that scientists and science support my beliefs. I hope this essay will make you think twice about what you're taught about evolution. Don't believe everything you are told but instead, research it and make sure that it makes sense to you. When searching for the truth, you might be amazed by what you find.

Nicole Gliko Homosexuality

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Loving Parents’ regardless of Their Sexuality.

Nicole Gliko



Every person should be able to make the decision whether or not he or she would like to be a parent. However, even under our democratic society, some people do not have that choice. Although Rita Mae Brown who is she?, speech, 28 says, “No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love.”cite this Homosexuality has been a heated national argument ever since 1993. The media has done stories on it and people have been harmed for their choice of homosexuality. Many who don’t support gay marriage or letting gay couples adopt think very strongly about how the bible says it is an unnatural sin. But, there is hope! Even ancient philosophers saw the importance to equality in love. Boethius asked in 524 A.D.,“Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.” Cite this?Along with not accepting gay marriages, our society continues to make it very difficult on gay couples to adopt. Even though the unfair treatment of gays has happened throughout history, there are solutions to this sexist act, such as, writing letters to the government and religious officials, and starting programs in schools.

People can make a big difference. Rachel Scottexplain who she is states, “I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of the same.“ cite this and explain what this quotes means and how it relates to writing to the governmentOne thing that could be done is writing letters to the government. Showing the government how many people care about gay rights can make them think twice about letting adoption agencies turn gay homosexual couple's down and banning gay marriage. Everyone has heard the quote “every man has equal rights.”where is this from…. Yet people discriminate against homosexuals.explain more

Need transitionAdoption centers are a place of fulfillment. It’s too fill the empty hole of not being able to have children. It is truly a place of hope. Not being able to have a kid is a sad feeling. Homosexuals, I’mnot 1st person afraid, know this feeling all too well. Dave Thomaswho is this? says "What about gay adoptions? Interracial? Single Parent? I say. Hey fine, as long as it works for the child and the family is responsible. My big stand is this: Every child deserves a home and love. Period.” This man shows hope for future adopters. A lady named Rachel who is this?states “Its better to have a loving family than to have no family at all.”cite this But, going through adoptions are very expensive. Agency and private adoptions can range from $5,000 to $40,000 or more depending on many aspects including services provided, travel expenses, birthmother expenses, requirements in the state, and other factors. International adoptions can range from $7,000 to $30,000. After the fee of paying the papers, filling them out, and sending them, adoption centers will still turn them down.what does cost have to do with it? The agencies that usually turn them down are religious. Although this act isn't illegal, it is unfair.

Another important point to make is that adoption is not a right, like the right to vote. Instead, the real goal of adoption is, or should be, to place the child with the best possible parents. Those who object to homosexuality believe that the best placement is with a two-parent, heterosexual couple. They see homosexuality as morally wrong. This is truly a matter of opinion. Another state of opinion is that having two moms, and or, two dads will embarrass the son or daughter. A man by the name of Mr. McGeorgewho is this? says "My dad has been my best friend since I was a kid, and yes he is homosexual." citeA young girl named Rebeccawho? states, "I never felt any pressure to be gay."cite It may well be true that children of gay or lesbian parents might have trouble explaining their situation to friends, although supporters of gay and lesbian adoption argue that this doesn't mean we should instinctively disgrace homosexuals.

Just by doing a little work you can change perspectives. People have gone from discriminating against homosexuals to understanding that their love is just as real as a 'straight' couple. Not everyone will understand how horrible it feels to not have a child, but we all can try to change how adoption centers deal with gay couples. Many think that homosexuality is morally wrong. This is simply a matter of opinion. Homosexuals are truly discriminated against. Although, law does state that everyone has equal rights, gays do not. One day, believers will overpower and everyone will understand that being homosexual does not make you a bad parent, person, or lover.

Animal Testing, Nicole Vargas.

Millions of animals all around the world are forced into a cage, two sizes too small, waiting all day, wondering when the next time food will come, or if they will ever get to be free again. Imagine this, dark, cold, concrete cells, the only time they get to come out is when they are being poked and pinched with needles and chemicals. All kinds of animals are being tested from frogs, rats, rabbits, fish and birds to goats, sheep, pigs, cats, dogs and primates. Thousands of primates are used every year in chemical experiments.  Baboons, marmosets, macaques, and green monkeys are most commonly used in these experiments. Animal testing has had a long and horrific history and you can change this by encouraging the government to enforce laws that will promote the use of donor body parts and cloning to create organs for testing.  Millions of animals’ safety is depending on this!

Death Penalty for Murders

     Death Penalties for Murders



Should murders get the death penalty?  I think giving the death penalty to murders is the right thing to do. No matter how long you put murders in jail they will never change, they will always be the crazy person inside. The solutions and the background will tell u why every murder should get the death penalty.


       Death penalties are the right thing to do to those unwanted murders. Usually the murders are released from jail but still keep doing the sick and cruel things to American citizens. Warner quotes “I am certain the resumptions of hangings would curb crime in this country” What Warner is saying is that the death penalty would stop crime in our country. Why should murders be able to take an innocent persons life but they get to keep their miserable and disturbing life? This is a very serious problem. Why? Because once they get out of jail its back to them killing loved ones again. Also are jail Can get over populated. Then what? It could turn into a jailbreak and now all the crazy people would be running around our country. The problem exist because one thing people are insane. Also its human nature they can’t control themselves and then they end up killing people. 


         In addition, if someone takes a life purposely then with out a question they should get the death penalty. What right do they even have to live?  The murders go to jail for ten years and then get out and do it again. Where is the logic in that? Jesse Ventura Quotes “we should take a harder stance in the death penalty.” What Jesse Ventura is saying is that murders should have a worse death then just a shot and that these people should be punished more for what they did. Now people may argue that lots of innocent guys were killed because the jury mistaken them for killers, and that’s why we shouldn’t have the death penalty. However I would say yeah innocent people were killed but now we have a DNA test that proves if their killers or not.


                  Therefore, people may not like the death penalty. But I am sure everybody hates criminals especially the families that had lost loved ones. So it would be right to get rid of all these madman killers. Michael Nevin quotes “A sure way to prevent prison escapes.” What Michael Nevin is saying is that if we did the death penalty more often to killers then we wouldn’t have so many prison brakes. Michael Nevin is right. Their has been many prison brakes because are jail over populates with criminals. But with the death penalty we wont have to worry about that.                 


In conclusion the death penalty for murders will sure keep us safe and away from these killer’s. Think about it. What right do killers have to live? They go to jail for about ten years and then get out and do it all over again. Where’s the logic in that? Plus people, as taxpayers have to pay the government, which then the government pays for food for the jailers. Why should we have to pay for murders that have no life and like to kill people? Stop letting these murders live they don’t deserve a life. What’s the point of letting them live if they’re just going to kill again? That’s why they need to be gone now.               


Foster Care :]

Foster Care

   Millions of kids around the world are living or have lived in a foster home. Imagine you as a kid, and imagine you having nowhere to stay, like some of the millions of kids in the world, how would you feel? They are very lucky to have a foster care to go to and stay in. If we didn’t have foster homes around the world, who knows where those kids would be. They would most likely not have a home.

       Foster cares can be good and bad. Some foster parents are very warm, cozy, and nice but on the other hand, some can be rude, hurtful, and abusive. Some foster parents take advantage of the kids. They only want the kids for the money from the government. They take that money and use it for themselves. The money should go to the foster care and directly to the kids in need. According to “There are over seventy-five thousand children in foster care in California.” “If kids are in need of foster care, they should be able to go to a home and feel welcomed.” They shouldn’t have to be abused and they shouldn’t have to be treated like slaves. There are definitely many ways foster cares can be improved by the foster care parents and by the government.

       Foster care can be improved if the states individually watch the children so they know what is going on with them at all times. Instead of the children being checked on once a month to see how they are doing, they should start visiting them twice a month. According to, “Foster care can be improved by enforcing rules for the social workers to evaluate their cases a lot more often.” “They should start doing a lot more background checks on the foster parents who are thinking of fostering.” One way foster care can be improved is that there are not as many foster kids in one foster home. Especially the kids who are special needs, they need their own special treatment and if there are 10 to 15 kids on the house, they might not have all of the care they need. A lot of people look at it this way. The government needs to watch out for the foster homes more and not as many kids in foster homes at once. However I say, the foster cares in California and any other states needs to follow more rules of the government and the government needs to follow through with more child care laws.

       Another issue is siblings are getting separated when they arrive to foster cares. I think that if you have a brother or sister, wherever they go, they should be like a package deal. It’s not fair to the children if they’re already being separated their biological parents and now their siblings who they have grown up with for a long or short period of time. According to, “For children entering care, being with siblings can enhance their sense of safety and well-being.” “Siblings in the same home can provide natural support to each other and some sense of stability and belonging.” Some people say that once you’re out of foster care, more people are looking for their siblings then their biological parents. Eighty-seven to ninety of siblings are together in a foster home. Foster cares might keep siblings together as little as twenty-five percent of the time. There are many different paths children take when they are living in a foster home. You could be talking about just yourself or you could be talking about siblings staying together or separating.

       If you’re having problems with government, siblings staying together or even the amount of kids in a foster home, there is always improvement and ways things can be changed. The government has a big part in foster cares. The best thing to do is have the government check up on the kids twice a month and even investigate if the foster parents are doing their job and treating the children the right way. Foster care is a big role in the United States and every bit of help we can get would make the job a whole lot easier. 

Illegal immigration by Franni Day

Franni Day



Persuasive essay

Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration has been on the rise lately. Every year, there is over a half million illegal immigrants entering the U.S. There could be many jobs given to hardworking Americans, rather than illegals, and the taxpayers wouldn’t have to pay for the illegal residents’ hospital bills, especially during this economy.

“Our Nation's immigration laws are disrespected both by those who cross our borders illegally and by the businesses that hire those illegal immigrants.” -steve isreal There is an estimated 12 to 15 million illegal immigrants in the United States today. Some popular hangout for the illegal immigrants are 7/11, circle k, and other gas stations.“ When America’s economy gets a cold, Mexico gets pneumonia” -George (actual resident of Mexico), so this would encourage them to enter the US. Next, we can fix this by securing our borders.

When we secure our borders, we show that we have a backbone and are not about to let others stomp all over our Nation’s laws. Others might say that the song, “this land is your land” applies in this situation. That maybe everyone has the right to be here. But, as Bill Clinton said, “We should honor every legal immigrant here, working hard to become a new citizen. But we are also a nation of laws”, Unfortunately, we have let them laugh at our laws and just waltz right into the country. Yes, it will cost more money, but the money will be going to American citizens, and not to Mexicans here illegally. “There should be no debate over illegal invasion.” –unknown. That way, we can help others have a chance to get back on their feet. Therefore, we should have solutions.

“Illegal immigration is crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health-care, and education systems.” -Timothy Murphy Since it has gotten so out of control, we should send them back, or punish them ourselves to show them who is boss. We should also stop hiring them for ‘cheap labor’. “Common sense and history tell you that rewarding illegal behavior will only encourage more of it.” -Ric Keller Some people may say, that this will help us save money and give them a chance to live. However, I believe that not hiring them will give others a chance to start yard work businesses and give Americans jobs. When we show them that it is not their right to be here unless they have green cards, they would be more intimidated to enter. We could also make it easier to get a green card or visa so people wouldn’t be so tempted to enter illegally and do it the right way.

There are millions here illegally. If we secure our borders, we can fix this problem, and in turn have a safer environment. So, please consider my train of thought and secure our borders!


By Dominic



   Have you ever heard of Whaling? How does it affect our life today? Whaling is actual hunting for whales mostly done by Japan. Because of this the population of whales are slowly decreasing. This persuasive essay will tell you about the background information, and two solutions about whaling. Whaling should stop to save whales from going extinct.


    Whaling started in the 16th century. The whaling industry was doing great in America. Ships going out from ports roaming the globe in search of whale oils and other whale products. Whaling began as a coastal activity when they spotted a whale near the coast they were driven onto shore and killed. Only small whales could be killed but now people have harpoons to shoot the whales with so they can get bigger whales. In the 19th century steamboats and ship-mounted harpoon guns where making it easier for whaling to grow across the world. However, environmentalism started in the 1960s and over the years they became the most successful campaigns of the 1970s. A quote that Iceland announced was, “To catch 250 whales for research purposes over a two-year period, the first time for 13 years that whales have been caught officially.” This problem exists because people are supposable are studying whales for research. Some people believe whaling is ok some people think it’s cruel.


Therefore, a solution to whaling is to make it illegal. Whaling should be illegal because when whalers hunt using harpoons and they usually use them repeatedly before they are killed. Which makes the whale suffer from being hit repeatedly without dieing. Conversationalists said, “The harpoons are mostly grenade-tipped and designed to explode inside the animal. From being in the rough seas is why they get shot more than once and suffer.” The Japanese say that they are killing whales for study. They actually are using whales for food. Japanese are mainly the whalers and shouldn’t kill animals for food.


    Secondly, whaling should stop because a lot of whale species are endangered such as the blue whale. Blue whales use to be able to be spotted all over the ocean. Now whaling has made their population drop. Researchers said, “There used to be over 200,000 blue whales swimming in the sea. Today you can only spot blue whales on rare occasions.” Some people say whaling is okay because no whale species has gone extinct yet. But, a lot of whale species population are decreasing and are endangered. Whaling should be stopped and never be legal because whales are majestic creatures of the ocean.


Lastly, Whaling is cruel and should be stopped. One reason, it should stop is because whales are becoming endangered. Animals should never be endangered if we can do something about it. So stop whaling and make the species grow back to its full population.

   Jennii Sanchez

                    Jacques 1/2





 It’s wrong to take money for sex, and it’s wrong to pay money for sex. But even though this might be true, this is a free country, and if you mess up your life, that’s your fault, nobody can make you do anything. There are these stupid women with no dignity that go half nude into a public street where they sell their bodies to complete strangers they have never seen before. That’s what I used too say. But now I’m like, it’s their life. If prostitution makes them happy, that’s their problem.     


These ladies are putting their lives in danger, and they know that too, so if that's what they want to do, then that's what they'll do. As young as 14 years old, Victoria turned to prostitution (which was he choice.) She came from a nice middle class family, but just wasn't satisfied with the money she had, and didn't think that babysitting paid enough. She wanted more, fast easy money for her jewelry, clothes and makeup. She thought that getting 150 dollars in 5 minutes was worth the pay. She started off with a phone call in a chat room. There she met guys that were desperate for it.  She grew more and more interested in this. She had made her mind to prostitution. 100% yes. Her and the guy would talk a little in his car, and then find a place to park. The men didn’t know how old she was. She told them she was 19, and didn’t know she had sex for money 15 times. Eventually, she told them how old she was, but they still came back for more. But sooner or later, she decided too screw the jewelry, clothes, and makeup, and instead spend her dirty money on cocaine. "It seemed like I didn’t care for anything anymore, I contracted a sexually transmitted disease, and that makes me feel horrible", Victoria says. This statement made me realize that from all the times she had sex with guys, she felt disgusted with herself, and she didn’t care bout anything. And then she realized what she was doing wrong but she still couldn’t stop, because she needed money to pay for cocaine, which she was now addicted to. In a five-country study, it was found that 89% of prostitutes want to leave, and approximately, 40% wanted a drug treatment. Often, the need to feed a drug addiction keeps them prostituting, which is a vicious circle. When she turned 15, she got diagnosed with Chlamydia. Yes, I feel bad for Victoria, but it was her stupid decision to get herself into this mess. "I hope that any other girl out there thinking about doing something like this just doesn’t do this, find some other way to make money" says Victoria while getting interviewed by Tyra Banks. All I have to say to this is, everything has a consequence. And to bad for her, she got a bad consequence, drugs and diseases. To bad to sad for her. Victoria would sneak outside her window at night for business. It makes me scared, that there is people outside who can have a normal live by hurting those of others. I think that these things need a LOT more attention then global warming or Justin Beiber, because their lives are in danger, and I care about their lives, just not their decisions.



  A way of preventing their death if they want to live is too get check ups. A checkup for STD’s or aids, things like that. They should also do it in some legal states, just so they wont get into trouble. If I were a prostitute, I'd go too Ohio. There, I can work whenever I want. But I wouldn't be a prostitute because that would be stupid. This is a quote from "Believeyoume" in a debate room, "Absolutely. It could be regulated, meaning the prostitutes could be tested and would no longer have to submit to cruel "pimps." Prostitution is also something that some women enjoy, despite what people may believe, and it's a much-needed public service."

  I agree with this statement on legalization because it's true. With the women being tested, there would be no worrying bout STD’s. And they don’t need those pimps. The pimps only take their money, and beat them, and lower their self-esteem so they think they're worth nothing, and are forced to prostitute. Some people may say something like this lady "ASDF789" in the same debate room as this man: What? No. Prostitution degrades women. There are other legal ways to make money, like something called a job. Besides, what effect would this have on little girls? That they don't have to get an education but go into prostitution instead because they could make money faster? It sends the wrong message." I disagree with this lady because first of all, she says prostitution isn’t a job. OF COURSE IT’S A JOB. They get paid for it don't they? And what affect would it make on little girls? She asks. Well it's the parents' job to teach their children on what they think is right. They should teach their children on what's right and wrong. And then she says: 
"That they don't have to get an education but go into prostitution instead because they could make money faster?"  Who said that’s why a prostitute decides to become a prostitute? Who said they just cut out on school and decided to take the easy way out of life and sell their body for money? Maybe the prostitute has her own story too tell and how she got there, and ASDF789 should shut up and stop assuming things. Also another solution too this whole problem is not caring.


Who cares! Who cares what other people do? Who cares if they become a prostitute? Who cares if they own 7 cats, 23 horses, and 765 alligators? ITS THEIR LIFE NOT YOURS SO STAY OUT OF IT. It’s like, mind your own business. If they choose too live life like that, you should not be hating, and appreciate that there are different personalities and choices. This is a quote by "u.suck34" in the debate room, "mAyBe EvErY oNe $HoUlD mInD tHeIr OwN lIvE$ AnD $tOp CoMpLaInInG aBoUt OtHeR$ ChOiCe$." I am all over this comment. Because it’s totally correct. I think that if we all minded our own business, we would be much happier people.


A job is one thing, a life is another. Since prostitutes are being abused everyday by their pimps, some end up dead. They're being used! Their bodies are being stolen, and they don’t even get money out of it. Many people argue about this topic: prostitution. Should they be able to do it? Yes, no? The best solution is for everyone too not care. If they want too do it, its their choice. Don't be so nosy. No one like a nosy person:) PLEASE STOP CARING, AND MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS.





CLONING by mark casey

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CLONING by mark casey

Persuasive essay

Haven’t you wanted to use our medical technology to its highest capabilities? Haven’t you wanted to do everything you were able to do? You could move to the future and advance in the field of medicine. We have to change some laws and use human cloning. Our discovery of human cloning was disapproved by President Clinton because he thought, “that it threatens the sacred family bonds at the very core of our ideals and our society.'' ( However, society can use cloning for amazing advances, such medical testing, heart attack treatment, and human stem cells. So, let’s move to the future and use cloning as a benefit not as a problem. The short history of cloning has troubled many people, but there are two main great advances by having the cloning process:the end of animal testing and saving many peoples lives.

Cloning could have benefited millions of lives throughout our history. We need to approve human cloning regardless of the fact that it may cause problems. We won’t have the ability to get rid of those problems if we can’t clone humans. A beloved grandfather died of a devastating heart attack. This could have been stopped if we could clone human organs and implant a new heart. Clinton was wrong when he says in his quote that it would ruin family bonds. You don’t have to have a clone, but if you physically couldn't have a child that could be devastating. So, you could clone a fertilized egg or a baby and then you could have the child the family was hoping for. but some people like Rep.Billy Tazin say ”Cloning may literally threaten the characteristics of our human nature” but it doesn't it has many benefits to millions of humans. it could save lives and create ones two, open your eyes world.

 There are many benefits to human cloning. We could completely get rid of animal testing. All those animals wont  have to get hurt anymore. We could clone a human eye or human skin and put the product on that instead of killing millions of poor innocent animals. This would work because the specimen doesn’t have to be living to have to test on it. You could also use cloning for infertility. You could turn an infertile couple into a fertile one. We could clone a baby for whoever and whatever you want. Additionally, you could increase the population of endangered species. Some people might say that’s not right to have a cloned baby or that a cloned specimen needs to be living to test on it. However, if you were the one who could'nt have a baby you would want a cloned baby! Additionally, many people want to stop animal testing so we can use testing to do it.

There are more benefits we could use cloning for, such as heart attack treatments. This could save hundreds of lives every year. You could clone a whole new healthy heart for someone with a horrible heart. You could also easily heal defective genes by cloning normal healthy genes for that person. That could make a lot of people’s life’s better. Also, one of my favorites is the military purpose it might not be up to date because we don’t have all the right technology to complete this because we can’t practice human cloning. Well the idea is that if we make clones from when they are babies and raise them to be top notch soldiers by adulthood. And then instead of sending someone with a family and kids to war send a super marine that was raised for war that would also save many lives. but this is just an idea

there are two main advances by having the cloning process:there is the end of animal testing and saving many peoples lives. So please spread the word and tell people that cloning is OK because we need to advance to the future and use our technology. We need to advance to the future save more lives with human cloning. It really can save many lives, so, please, spread the word of the positive word of cloning. peoples lives rest in your hands!


 Aleja Quisumbing
Persuasive Essay

                    Lives of the Unborn

     Imagine if you were 1 of those babies who never got to see the world around them, make friends, or experience life like others because of that one important decision that your own mother had to make. Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making that choice for thousands of years, for many good reasons. Abortions are thought as dangerous, expensive, humiliating and plain wrong. There are many different reasons why women get abortions. Sometimes they can have birth problems so it’s either you or the baby. Also some Mothers choose abortion because they chose not to use a condom and now they think that the baby is to much responsibility so they don’t want it. I am going to be talking about the arguments with abortion and if it should be legalized or not. In my opinion, I think abortion should not be legal because its killing a life, that could be born and it could have a regular life just like you. 

    Abortion shouldn't be legal because its taking a life of a person in the future. For example, Okay so there is this girl who got pregnant when she was 13 and she was stupid and made stupid decisions for not using protection so now she's pregnant and she wants an abortion because she doesn't want the responsibility for the baby because she is selfish and she doesn't understand that you can just give the baby up for adoption. " If we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other?, any country that accepts abortion is not teaching it's people to love but to use violence to get what they want.'' - Mother Teresa I think mother Teresa meant that if a Mother is willing to kill her own child then why are people tripping about violence in the world its the same stuff.  " Abortion is advocated only to be persons who have themselves been born." - Ronald Reagan. Abortion is a serious problem because people are killing there future children, because they are selfish and they don't care about anyone else but themselves. I mean give the unborn baby a chance to live with a family that actually loves and cares for them, instead of taking there life. The problem exists because back then people were having problems if abortion should be legal or not. Abortion is still legal, and it should be Illegal. I think if it's a life or death situation maybe it could be okay, but not just to have an abortion because you don't want the baby. 
    The solution is that Abortion is still Legal. " Every child a wanted child "  I think this means that if women are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, the result is unwanted children, that is among society's most tragic cases. Some people that  are for Abortion may say that you  can always have another baby so they its ok to choose abortion . People that are not for Abortion say that it's terminating a life, and that the baby have the right to live. However i say that i agree with not for abortion because the baby shoold live but it doesn't have to live with you if you dont want it to. You can always give the baby to a family that will actually care for it.  Thats why i think it shoold be illegal.

    In order to stop Abortions , we shoold make a petition and bring it to the white house and try to convince the lawmakers.  " Young teen moms who choose to have an abortion are self centered sick people or in better words not resposible." I understand that for the people who are for abortion have some good points. For example, If it's a you or the baby  situation during the procudure i understand that you may choose for abortion because you are about to die, but also the baby isn't going to have a life so im like neutral on that case. Also, i understand that if a person gets raped and that person gets pregnant and wants an abortion, because it's hard to bare the fact that your son or daughter was made by rape, but you can always give the baby up for adoption. So im neutral on that one also.  Thats why i am neutral in some of those cases, but im not when  it comes to teenage preganancies and when they want to have an abortion just because they don't want to take resposibility for the baby.

    The 1 problem we have in America is that Abortion is legal. Some people choose abortion because they just don't want the baby. I think we shoold try to make a change in the law of having Abortions legal to Illegal because it's taking a life away and people say that " Children are our Future " well if the children are our future then why are careless unresponsble people getting abortions and terminating a life that is supposably " our future". This solution is best because we can save a life and the babys can be givin up for adoption not abortion.  This is a call for action a cry for help for those unborn babies that could be living a  life just like any normal human bieng and they can be cared for and loved. How could this happen if people choose abortion?


Noel Beher


E.L.A. 1/2


What do you think about having abortions? Do you think nothing of it, or do you think it’s killing a life. If you think it’s killing a life I agree with you. If you ever got an abortions or going to get an abortion, stop and listen.  Having abortions are not right.

You will regret ever getting an abortion. “You are murdering a life” and that could have done great thing if you just gave him or her a chance of a life. How would you feel if your parents put you up for an abortion, you wouldn’t be here right now? The people who get abortions are the people who know that they can’t handle having a child or just straight out don’t want a kid. To keep you away from making a mistake don’t have a kid until your married. Don’t make a mistake you will regret. 

Also, when having a child, an abortion is not the only option. When having an abortion your taking a child out of this world, and it’s not the right option, because it was your mistake for having a baby.  “In the U.S. abortions is really common one out of three women get abortions before the age of forty-five.” When knowing your going to have a kid there is other options ether than abortions. You should have the baby, and put the baby up for adoption for then the child could have a life with two loving parents who want a kid. Make the right decisions and don’t get an abortion.

In addition young people just can’t control their hormones.  I think it’s okay to have an abortion if you forced into it though. Like, you physically can’t have a kid or your die. If it was not your fault for getting pregnant. When getting an abortion, “if you’re under the age of eighteen you must get permission and notify your parents.”(all are methods of abortions web) For then your parent can help make you decide and it won’t be a secret that you’re pregnant 

Do you still think abortions are an option? Do you want to kill a life or save a life?  Do a favor for yourself and don’t have a kid until your married, if not put the kid up for adoption. Help stop abortions from happening and make a difference for our world.      

Marissa Ackerson


ELA 1/2




       What would you think of having a baby that you don’t really want anymore? Well, I would put it up for adoption if I didn’t want the baby anymore. Having abortion is like killing a life that could of had a future; if I were to do that; I would just put it up for adoption. Having abortions is just not right.

       You will always regret having an abortion. When you have an abortion you are mostly killing a life of a boy/girl that could have a future a head of them. “Most abortions are common in the US. One out of three women have an abortion before the age of forty-five.” There are more solutions than killing a child. “The problem about abortions is so serious because when you have an abortion you are mostly killing a child that could have a life.” I think that people are being stupid to have a kid at young age and wouldn’t be able to handle one to. Also, to keep away from making a mistake and don’t have a kid until your married.

        Having a child is not an option. “People have abortions because, they know that they can’t afford it or they just don’t want one anymore.” It’s ok to have an abortion if you were forced into it. “People who have it just to have fun, but don’t want the life with that person and call it the wrong reason.” If under eighteen you at least need permission from your parents. If you are a teenager that is pregnant with a baby and want it to put it in abortion, it would actually be easier to put it up for adoption. “If your going to have a kid have it, then put it up for adoption or keep it and just deal with it because it was your mistake.” It’s ok to have an abortion if were forced to do it. Although, having an abortion is a bad thing to do because you are murdering a child that could have had a future.

       Another, if you are trying to decide if an abortion is the right choice for you, you probably have many things to think about.Don’t let men ruin you and make you have a child at young age.” Its ok if you know your going to die if you have kid. “How can I know if having an abortion is the right choice for me.”  Having an abortion is not the right choice because I believe adoption is the best chance for my child to be well cared for financially and emotionally. When having the baby you don’t want and killing it is not right for a baby.

       Too many people are having an abortion and killing their kids. Wait until you want a kid and don’t get pregnant at a young age. This solution is the best because a lot of people want to kill their kid instead of just putting it up for adoption. I am against abortion because a lot of people like killing their kid instead of putting it up for adoption. I would protest signs and tell everybody to put kids up for adoption, then to have an abortion.

Dress code

Courtney Cook

What do you think about dress code? I think we need one because kids need to dress appropriately at school. The problem is that kids want to wear tank tops and short shorts to school. Dress code has been a major issue for years and it has helped stop violent tensions in school and improve academic achievement.

Throughout time, kids have had to deal with dress codes. “Dress codes in schools are not a new issue, history shows the world has been putting these rules into place since the early 1900’s, although the rules have changed over the years the reasoning behind them still stands strong.” Dress code are good and have been used for a long time. The dictum “Dress right, act right” was heard often in schools in the 1950s and ’60s during campaigns to curb “juvenile delinquency.” Students feel better when they are dressed well.

Students need to dress more appropriately because their future depends on it. “According to the U.S. Department of Education 47% of public schools in America enforce a strict dress code, not only are these schools working on increasing safety within their schools, but also dress codes are creating a better learning environment for the student.” I think if you dress more professional then you’ll learn better and do better. "Believe that uniforms will reduce discipline referrals, while improving attendance, achievement, self esteem, and school climate." I don’t think we need uniforms but I do think that dress code is important. I probably wouldn’t need dress code since I am old o dress appropriately. This is a problem because the way people dress affects their learning. Dress code has changed throughout the ages, but it helps students learn.

Dress codes exist because of gangs and violent behavior. Dress code protects students. “When students can wear what they choose, unfortunately some choose things that are not appropriate which affiliate them with gangs, violence, or have inappropriate sayings on them.” I think that schools should tell the students to dress professionally. “Proponents contend such measures instill discipline and prevent gang-related violence.” If students dress inappropriately then others students will be distracted and won’t get the learning they need. I think students have a hard enough time concentrating so if kids are aloud to dress inappropriately then they will have even harder time learning. Some people might say that letting students wear what they want gives them a way to express themselves or to be creative. However I say that students can express themselves in other ways that don’t involve the way that they dress and they can still dress in a way that expresses them, it just has to have a limit.

The way kids dress affects the way they act and learn. I think if schools would tell kids to dress more professionally then we would have a better learning environment. Kids that wear gang signs and bands on their clothes sometimes create problems because other students don’t like the band or gang they are wearing. It would be better if students wear nicer clothes and wear no bands or gang signs then learning would be a lot easier for students. I say to schools, get your students to dress more nicely and wear appropriate clothes so they can learn better!