Thursday, March 31, 2011

Final Challenge Project Posting

Everyone has done an excellent job on the research and production of your final project. I am so excited to see the final results. Please have one group member post the following information in the comment section of this post. PLEASE follow the directions!

1. List everyone's first name in the group.
2. In one sentence, explain what cause you chose.
3. List the ELA standard(s) you used and how you used it.
4. List the Algebra standard(s) you used and how you used it.
5. List the Science standard(s) you used and how you used it.
6. List the Social Studies standard(s) you used and how you used it.
7. Copy and paste the link to your product(s). (Your product should have all of the ELA, SS, Algebra, and Science activities in it.)
8. As a group, reflect on the following questions and answer them.
  • Do you feel your cause is something relevant to the world today? Why?
  • Do you feel the actions you took spread the word about your cause? Explain.
  • Do you feel that everyone in your group played an equal part? If yes, explain what everyone did. If no, explain how you could change the way the group is organized in order to help the equality in the project next time.
  • Do you feel like this was a great way to learn the standards? If yes, explain why you will remember them more this way? If no, how can we change it to make it a better learning process?
9) Please make sure each group member answers the poll on the blog page!

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this learning process! I loved seeing you excited about what you were doing!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, March 28

How can you incorporate math and science into your product? Look at the algebra can you explain your topic using one of the standards? Do the same with the science standards. Oh, and for extra fun(but required), add your spelling words for the week into your product! (They are listed on the first comment of this post.)

As you come up with ideas on how to add algebra and science, post them in the comments for everyone else to see.

Algebra I Standards

3.0 Students solve equations and inequalities involving absolute values.

4.0 Students simplify expressions before solving linear equations and inequalities in one variable, such as 3(2x-5) + 4(x-2) = 12.

5.0 Students solve multistep problems, including word problems, involving linear equations and linear inequalities in one variable and provide justification for each step.

9.0 Students solve a system of two linear equations in two variables algebraically and are able to interpret the answer graphically. Students are able to solve a system of two linear inequalities in two variables and to sketch the solution sets.

10.0 Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide monomials and polynomials. Students solve multistep problems, including word problems, by using these techniques.

14.0 Students solve a quadratic equation by factoring or completing the square.

15.0 Students apply algebraic techniques to solve rate problems, work problems, and percent mixture problems.

17.0 Students determine the domain of independent variables and the range of dependent variables defined by a graph, a set of ordered pairs, or a symbolic expression.

18.0 Students determine whether a relation defined by a graph, a set of ordered pairs, or a symbolic expression is a function and justify the conclusion.

21.0 Students graph quadratic functions and know that their roots are the x-intercepts.

22.0 Students use the quadratic formula or factoring techniques or both to determine whether the graph of a quadratic function will intersect the x-axis in zero, one, or two points.

23.0 Students apply quadratic equations to physical problems, such as the motion of an object under the force of gravity.

5. Chemical reactions are processes in which atoms are rearranged into different combinations of molecules. As a basis for understanding this concept:
a. Students know reactant atoms and molecules interact to form products with different chemical properties.
b. Students know the idea of atoms explains the conservation of matter: In chemical reactions the number of atoms stays the same no matter how they are arranged, so their total mass stays the same.
c. Students know chemical reactions usually liberate heat or absorb heat.
d. Students know physical processes include freezing and boiling, in which a material changes form with no chemical reaction.
e. Students know how to determine whether a solution is acidic, basic, or neutral.

Friday, March 25, 2011

drunk driving research report, (send)

Drunk Driving


      Imagine you are driving 120 miles per hour in a car, turning the corner on the freeway, seeing a big semi truck and not being able to stop. This is how millions of people feel almost every day because they made the unintelligent idea to drink and then drive. It has been estimated that approximately 10, 839 people would die this year due to drunk driving. As you can see, drunk driving affects people all over, even if your not drunk driving, you can be a victim. 

         Did you know that there are over 72,500 injures and deaths per year form people who drink while drive? People who drink say that drinking doesn’t effect there driving, although it’s a proven fact that it does effect their driving. Many people who do drink are people who, are stressed out, unsure about themselves, think it will make them more fun to be around, or make them fit in with every one else. Teens, who do drugs and drink, use the excuse that everyone’s doing it. Although, they never stopped to think that if I do drink then drive, then how will it affect me, or do I want to stay safe? Drunk driving will effect yourself and sometime others. Kids who start drinking at a young age are most likely to be in an alcohol-related crash.  They also affect many innocent people everyday. More than 10 innocent victims die from drunk driving a day. In 2000, 16,653 people died in the U.S. from drunk driving. Help stop drunk driving and make a difference. 

   Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is absolutely preventable. Although, the amount of crashes that are alcohol-related has dropped dramatically in recent decades. There are still too many car accidents that are avoidable. The proportion of alcohol-related crash fatalities has fallen 35%, but the quantity of traffic deaths not associated with alcohol have moved up to 53%. Most people who drink while driving have low blood alcohol content or concentration and few are involved in fatal crashes. Drinking and driving remains a serious national problem that tragically effects many victims today.

 In despite of all the warnings, public awareness, stiffer penalties for violations, and efforts by law enforcement agencies across the nation to protect the highways, people will still get behind the wheel of their vehicles while being drunk or intoxicated. These types of people will most likely end up in a fatal crash or accident. For example, if you needed a ride in a vehicle from a friend of yours to get to a certain destination, and you knew that they were drinking don not get into the car. If you are in the same vehicle with a drunk driver then you will most likely end up in a car crash, which may even lead to the end of your own life. Many victims die this way and over thousands of people die each and every year from drunk drivers.

In conclusion, you don’t have to drink and then drive to be a victim of drunk driving. It has been estimated that approximately 10, 839 people will die this year due to drunk driving. Millions of people make that unintelligent idea to drink then drive. As you can see, many people are affected by drunk driving everyday, and you can make the smart choice of not to drink and drive.    

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Incredible Class!

Thank you for allowing me to visit your class and learn from the students. This is an exceptional group of young leaders! Creating interactive digital media can be the key to your future!
One free App I shared with a group is called "Dragon Dictation." Students talk, the App types what is said at about 97% accuracy. Then, copy and edit on a Word program. This saves a TON of typing time.
Mr. Bordelon (ANSA)

by aleja jennii and hashbrown


Cameron Green 
Jarrett Williams


Dominic, Josh, Jordan ,and Ford

DFJJ SHOES facebook page

I need your Media for the Project!

Please post in the comment:

Your Group Member Names
Your Challenge
Any websites, facebooks, etc.
Please attach any work you have so far on your research paper or business letter.


nicole g, mikayla, torrie, franni

Drunk Driving assignments, send

Sarah- make a topic paragraph to make the reader want to keep reading about drunk driving
Emily- research some statistics and dangers of drunk driving. Try to persuade them to not drink and drive. 
Noel- Find some interesting facts about drunk driving,  put it in paragraph form
Denisse- Make a concluding paragraph that concludes everything that we have already said. (you might have to write this at the end, so help someone else until the end.) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Drunk Driving Research Paper

Robbie- your assignment is to create a topic paragraph on drunk driving
Gabi/Me- history on constitutional rights (needs two quotes)
Nicole- specific cases and outcomes from alcohol related accidents so facts and statstics also (two quotes)
Tori- How people can help, and what us five our doing to aware people about the cause(2 quotes)
Tanner- Conclusion to this drunk driving research project

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

child abuse

Kaylajo B, Courtney C, Marissa A, Kelly C
per. 1/2


    Child abuse starts when a parent or a caretaker can not take care of their kids properly by mistreating them or neglecting them. Child abuse has a lengthy history behind it, children have always been seen as a subject to be abuse by parents or older adults. For centuries laws have failed to protect child abuse. In the early 1870's, child abuse capture the nations attention when 8 year old orphan named Mary Ellen Wilson suffered from daily whipping and beatings at her foster home. With no organization existing to protect the abused children, the orphans danger level fell to attorneys for the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals and kids. The attorneys argued that the law protecting animals should be no greater then the protection of the children. Child abuse has a long history, hurting many individuals and there are many ways you can help.
    There are four primary types of child abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglection. Physical abuse is when the caretaker harms a child body, even if they don't mean to injure the child by: hitting a child, burning a child, pushing, or throwing a child, biting them, and pulling there hair are different forms of physical abuse. Sexual abuse, which is about 10% of child abuse cases, is any act of touching them wrongly. Like non-touching sexual abuse which includes, exposure, exposing children to pornography, or deliberately exposing a child to sexual act. Touching sexual offenses include fondling, making a child touch an adult's body parts or any penetration of a child's "v". Emotional abuse is ignoring, rejection, isolation, corruption, and terrorization. All of these type of emotional abuse affects there purpose in life. Lastly neglection is physical, educational, emotional, and medical. This effects the kids because if they need it but don't have it then they feel like a know body. These things can cause: problems in school and work, teen pregnancy, suicide attempts, alcohol and drug use, and eating disorders.
    One case in Dallas, Texas was charged for abusing their 6 month old infant so severely  that he was put in intensive care, and they thought he was not going to recover. Another on in Fall River, Massachusetts a mother was charged for burning her four year old foster son with a curling iron, causing three degree burns that required skin graft surgery. In Montgomery County, Alabama in 1991 Robert Doyle was convicted for sexual abuse to his two younger daughters. Richard Mckinley in Dade county, Florida was charged for raping an eleven year old girl. prosecutes told the jury that recovered semen matched his blood type. A police officer testified that he saw McKinley on top of the girl with his pants down. 
   There are many ways to help prevent child abuse. For example set off a good image on kids, be a friend to a parent, take action and don't wait for someone else to do it, volunteer your time in a child crisis shelter. These are ways to help the causes of child abuse in the world.
    As you can see child abuse has a very lengthy history behind it. Child abuse is a major problem, such as hurting a child, forcing the kid to do something they don't want to do. Many children around the world are suffering  because of this, we can help stop this.   


child abuse

Marissa A, Kaylajo B, Kelly C, Courtney C
 period 1\2

Child Abuse

1) How can we prevent child abuse? by helping kids understanding its ok to tell on their parents 
2) Why would they do such a thing to a kid? Because of drugs and how they were treated as kids or T.V.
3) Why make your kids afraid of you like that? Because their parents did the same to them and if their on drugs they cant control what their doing.
4)If the parents know they will get messed up on drugs and take it out on the kids then why do they do it?they get influenced to do it and cant stop
5)How many kids die a year from child abuse? the answer is 48,915 kids a year die from it. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

homework; tori.

for my questions, i think research and looking up a doctors side of view would be easiest to find the cure to cancer and find all the detail answers we need for cancer issues.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I can answer the questions by researching a topic in books and internet. Also I could answer by asking people i know or tv. Tools I could use in book and internet and humans. Humans can be very helpful:) The role I see myself playing in fixing this problem is donating maybe to help with research. Also letting people know of cancers and to get checked on a regular basis for cancers.


period 1/2

Some very helpful tools that we can use to find research on the many types of cancers can be found on the internet. The internet has tons of info that we could use and learn about the problems with cancer.

The role that I see myself playing in trying to solve this problem is that I can teach others about cancer. Not many people know how they get cancer, so it would be good to have a discussion with those certain people who have the right to know. And hopefully, someday, there will be a cure that will end all this suffering from all types of cancer.

Cancer Answers

Kaylajo Berger

The tools we will need are the internet and research books. Also we would need to find knowledgeable people who could help us in the fight against cancer.

The role I see myself playing in this situation is making posters and helping create fundraisers to raise money for research. I would consider what type of fundraisers we could do, and how we could make people aware of specific types of cancers, that would benefit them and want them to be involved.


Questions on cancer
What are some possible cure ides for cancer?
How close are we to finding a cure to cancer?
How many more people are going to die before to find a cure?
What are some ways (we know of ) you can get can cancer?
When you remove cancer is it gone or still in your blood stream?

Written by: Gabi, Franni, Ford, Jacob, and Lucas

Challenge; Tori, Nick, Josh, & Mark :)

1. What is cancer?
2. What types of cancer are there?
3. Are doctors the only ones that are smart enough to cure cancer?
4. Could the cure be a shot or a pill?
5. How close to the cure are we?


Hi Everyone

I am reading your comments and posts. I like what I see so far, but take it to another level. Post your reflection doing a video if you can!


Nicole Gliko
Mikayla Williamson
Denisse Nunez
Emily Lehman

Five Questions

1. What solutions do we have today, to try to cure cancer?

2. What can we do to try to find a cure to cancer?

3. What causes cancer?

4. What is cancer?

5. Will there ever be a over all cure for cancer?


Jarrett Williams, Tanner Basso, Robbie Agerbeek, Cameron Green, Dominic Sudo-hooper, Jordan Bundle, Jennii Sanchez, Aleja Quisumbing

1. How do you get cancer?
2. How many different cancers is there?
3. When is it considered cancer?
4. How many stages of cancer are there?In each type.
5. Can male and female get the same cancer? like breast.


Sarah, kayalajo, marissa, Courtney, Noel
1. How does cancer spread?
2. How will we raise enough money to find a cure for cancer?
3. Why are there many different types of cancer?
4. What can cause cancer?
5. How can we find a cure for cancer?

What's Next

Start thinking about your questions. How can you answer these questions? What tools will you use to find the answers and start to solve your problem? What role do you see yourself playing in the solving of this problem.

Challenge Reflection

Explain what you did today and how it made you feel as a sure to list your names in your comment!