Monday, May 16, 2011

Robbie's How-to

By: Rob Agerbeek

How To Hit A Baseball

What you will need:
  • Baseball bat(wood or aluminum)
  • A bucket of baseballs about 30
  • A helmet
  • A pitcher
  • Batting gloves(depends what hitter prefers,1 or 2 depends on player)
  • A baseball field(optional)
  • L screen for pitcher(preferred) An L screen is a screen that protects the pitcher from a line drive while in batting practice,not used in game

Have you ever got in a slump in baseball and had no idea how to fix it? Well my how to will get you back to the basics and out of your slump. Baseball is very important to me an billions of people around the world. The sport lets you relax, get your mind of things and have fun while watching it or playing it.

Chapter 2. Proper Way to Hit the Ball

The proper way to hit a baseball is based on how you stand,your bat path , and how well you use your hips.Hips are key in swinging a bat, if you didn’t use your hips then you would have no power because you are only swinging with your arms. Another major prospect is how stable your stance is. Say you swing an you are on your heels after you finish your swing. This isn’t good because if you on your heels your not using your hips which means you have no power at all. Another major thing in your swing is your bat path. Bat path is when you swing your bat is supposed to go top to bottom, which means that your bat starts by your ear and go’s down into the zone,contact,push, and follow through. These are key prospects in your swing that are essential.

Chapter 3. Steps While Hitting

1.The first step is to get in a comfortable position in the batters box. 2.The next step is to load when the pitcher is in his windup, When you load you separate your legs farther then they were when you started and push your arms a little farther not to where it is uncomfortable. 3.Then next step is when the pitch gets like 5 to 10 feet in front of you you start to twist your hips to get your swing started. 4.After this you swing your bat but always keep your hands inside the ball so you don’t roll over. 5.When you make contact you extend your hand out then follow through.6.Its important when you follow through to finish high because finishing high means you kept your hands inside the ball which is very important to a great swing.

Chapter 4. What You Can Do Wrong

Their is an endless number of things you can do wrong in your swing. I personally have experienced slumps during my baseball season and it’s catastrophic. All you can really do to get out of a slump is not let it get to your head and go back to the basics which i mentioned in my last paragraph. Learning the basics takes a very long but they are very important in your baseball career. Things i did wrong when i was in a slump included rolling over and letting my shoulder fly out. Letting this happen means i was off balance which is very bad. These three things happen often to me but i work through it an get out of my slump.


This how to teaches you the key prospects of a proper way to hit a baseball. Remember not to ever get down on your self because you are in a slump, always go to the basics and work your swing back to normal. Thank you for listening to my how to, i hope it helped you and your swing!

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