Friday, January 21, 2011

Tanner's Persuasive


The National Disgrace

              “Thousands of puppies are raised each year in commercial kennels.” Ever since World War 2, farmers were looking for other ways to make some money. “Puppy Breeding.” They thought. There are seven states nationally known for puppy breeding. Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. What can you do to stop the national disgrace overly breeding puppies?

              “Puppy mills are distingue by a constant breeding of unhealthy and genetically defective dogs solely for profit.” The puppies that come from the puppy mills often have diseases, emotionally sick from being in a tight cage for years. But later to find out that your dog is dieing, or have to pay thousands of dollars to fix a sick puppy. What would you do? Here are some solutions to solve the national disgrace of puppy mills.

              “Dogs in puppy mills are debarked often by ramming a steel rod down their throats to rapture their vocal cords.” But there is way to help, to help the misery. You can tell everyone you no about commercial kennels. Tell them to not buy a puppy from a pet store. Because if they stop buying puppies from the pet store they stop buying puppies from the mills.

              To help stop puppy mills, and all these cruelty you can also do the following. You hand flyers, and make newspapers to everyone and teach them about the animal cruelty that happens in the puppy mills. You can also make contribution ending the misery. You can do so much, just a little help can put them out of business.  

              “Thousands of puppies are raised each year in commercial kennels.” Now you can know about puppy mills, and know can help end the national disgrace of puppy mills. Join us and together we will end the suffering.   

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