Thursday, January 20, 2011

           Death penalty  by:joshua mellinger

Should we lower the standards for our death penalty or not? We should because people don’t want a criminal back on the streets but that doesn’t mean you steal a candy bar and get a death sentence. I the idea means for criminals who have a life sentence because what’s the point they are going to die in jail might as well. Usually people who are charged with a high degree of murder get a death sentence as well as people who are charge of rape or sexual harassment multiple times if the person being harassed is under age or under 18. Do you believe that if you commit any kind of murder or rape and sexual harassment no matter what age or degree. But should the injections be painful?

Criminals are not frightened by the fact that the lethal injection doesn’t hurt, so they should make it painful because it would scare criminals not do commit severe crimes and they deserve it for all the bad they have caused. But people would complain that’s inhuman. There people to but they aren’t they are criminals but that’s not really a valid answer so my other idea is that a rumor spreads that the injections were really painful but are not and any one and no one would know because to find out you would have to die. But what augments would we have against people who didn’t believe in the death penalty?

Well one person might say that the death pertly goes against human rights. The proper augment to that would be that it does not because the injection would be painless and that they would not feel anything unless voted on to make it painful or as I said to spread a rumor that it is when it is really not .Another one would be that the death penalty standards should not be raised but lowered. But if that happened then people would get more life sentences and then jail would fill up faster and put more deadly people in prison which may cause in an increase in riots. This may cause more deaths in just our prisons and people who work in the prision. Now we use lethal injections but should we bring back some older uses of the death penalty?

The death sentence dates all the way back to the middle ages were people would be hung up in a cage and rot up there on other separate occasions there would be beheadings. There was also a lot of torture. Then later on there was something called the electric chair which was most recent to our now lethal injections. What this machine would do is kill you with electricity basically but should they bring it back instead of the lethal injections. First it would probably scare people because it is not known as the least painful thing in the world but then again that’s why we got rid of it so to bring it back it would take a long time and then would have to vote on it.

Overall our crime and punishment system is good but the death penalty should be raised or easier to get it. This would be really hard to change because it would need to get approved to just get voted on and then the voting would need to get passed but I think that it is worth it.


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