Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 Aleja Quisumbing
Persuasive Essay

                    Lives of the Unborn

     Imagine if you were 1 of those babies who never got to see the world around them, make friends, or experience life like others because of that one important decision that your own mother had to make. Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making that choice for thousands of years, for many good reasons. Abortions are thought as dangerous, expensive, humiliating and plain wrong. There are many different reasons why women get abortions. Sometimes they can have birth problems so it’s either you or the baby. Also some Mothers choose abortion because they chose not to use a condom and now they think that the baby is to much responsibility so they don’t want it. I am going to be talking about the arguments with abortion and if it should be legalized or not. In my opinion, I think abortion should not be legal because its killing a life, that could be born and it could have a regular life just like you. 

    Abortion shouldn't be legal because its taking a life of a person in the future. For example, Okay so there is this girl who got pregnant when she was 13 and she was stupid and made stupid decisions for not using protection so now she's pregnant and she wants an abortion because she doesn't want the responsibility for the baby because she is selfish and she doesn't understand that you can just give the baby up for adoption. " If we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other?, any country that accepts abortion is not teaching it's people to love but to use violence to get what they want.'' - Mother Teresa I think mother Teresa meant that if a Mother is willing to kill her own child then why are people tripping about violence in the world its the same stuff.  " Abortion is advocated only to be persons who have themselves been born." - Ronald Reagan. Abortion is a serious problem because people are killing there future children, because they are selfish and they don't care about anyone else but themselves. I mean give the unborn baby a chance to live with a family that actually loves and cares for them, instead of taking there life. The problem exists because back then people were having problems if abortion should be legal or not. Abortion is still legal, and it should be Illegal. I think if it's a life or death situation maybe it could be okay, but not just to have an abortion because you don't want the baby. 
    The solution is that Abortion is still Legal. " Every child a wanted child "  I think this means that if women are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, the result is unwanted children, that is among society's most tragic cases. Some people that  are for Abortion may say that you  can always have another baby so they its ok to choose abortion . People that are not for Abortion say that it's terminating a life, and that the baby have the right to live. However i say that i agree with not for abortion because the baby shoold live but it doesn't have to live with you if you dont want it to. You can always give the baby to a family that will actually care for it.  Thats why i think it shoold be illegal.

    In order to stop Abortions , we shoold make a petition and bring it to the white house and try to convince the lawmakers.  " Young teen moms who choose to have an abortion are self centered sick people or in better words not resposible." I understand that for the people who are for abortion have some good points. For example, If it's a you or the baby  situation during the procudure i understand that you may choose for abortion because you are about to die, but also the baby isn't going to have a life so im like neutral on that case. Also, i understand that if a person gets raped and that person gets pregnant and wants an abortion, because it's hard to bare the fact that your son or daughter was made by rape, but you can always give the baby up for adoption. So im neutral on that one also.  Thats why i am neutral in some of those cases, but im not when  it comes to teenage preganancies and when they want to have an abortion just because they don't want to take resposibility for the baby.

    The 1 problem we have in America is that Abortion is legal. Some people choose abortion because they just don't want the baby. I think we shoold try to make a change in the law of having Abortions legal to Illegal because it's taking a life away and people say that " Children are our Future " well if the children are our future then why are careless unresponsble people getting abortions and terminating a life that is supposably " our future". This solution is best because we can save a life and the babys can be givin up for adoption not abortion.  This is a call for action a cry for help for those unborn babies that could be living a  life just like any normal human bieng and they can be cared for and loved. How could this happen if people choose abortion?

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