Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CLONING by mark casey

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CLONING by mark casey

Persuasive essay

Haven’t you wanted to use our medical technology to its highest capabilities? Haven’t you wanted to do everything you were able to do? You could move to the future and advance in the field of medicine. We have to change some laws and use human cloning. Our discovery of human cloning was disapproved by President Clinton because he thought, “that it threatens the sacred family bonds at the very core of our ideals and our society.'' (www.nytimes.com) However, society can use cloning for amazing advances, such medical testing, heart attack treatment, and human stem cells. So, let’s move to the future and use cloning as a benefit not as a problem. The short history of cloning has troubled many people, but there are two main great advances by having the cloning process:the end of animal testing and saving many peoples lives.

Cloning could have benefited millions of lives throughout our history. We need to approve human cloning regardless of the fact that it may cause problems. We won’t have the ability to get rid of those problems if we can’t clone humans. A beloved grandfather died of a devastating heart attack. This could have been stopped if we could clone human organs and implant a new heart. Clinton was wrong when he says in his quote that it would ruin family bonds. You don’t have to have a clone, but if you physically couldn't have a child that could be devastating. So, you could clone a fertilized egg or a baby and then you could have the child the family was hoping for. http://www.grg.org/HouseClone.htm but some people like Rep.Billy Tazin say ”Cloning may literally threaten the characteristics of our human nature” but it doesn't it has many benefits to millions of humans. it could save lives and create ones two, open your eyes world.

 There are many benefits to human cloning. We could completely get rid of animal testing. All those animals wont  have to get hurt anymore. We could clone a human eye or human skin and put the product on that instead of killing millions of poor innocent animals. This would work because the specimen doesn’t have to be living to have to test on it. You could also use cloning for infertility. You could turn an infertile couple into a fertile one. We could clone a baby for whoever and whatever you want. Additionally, you could increase the population of endangered species. Some people might say that’s not right to have a cloned baby or that a cloned specimen needs to be living to test on it. However, if you were the one who could'nt have a baby you would want a cloned baby! Additionally, many people want to stop animal testing so we can use testing to do it.

There are more benefits we could use cloning for, such as heart attack treatments. This could save hundreds of lives every year. You could clone a whole new healthy heart for someone with a horrible heart. You could also easily heal defective genes by cloning normal healthy genes for that person. That could make a lot of people’s life’s better. Also, one of my favorites is the military purpose it might not be up to date because we don’t have all the right technology to complete this because we can’t practice human cloning. Well the idea is that if we make clones from when they are babies and raise them to be top notch soldiers by adulthood. And then instead of sending someone with a family and kids to war send a super marine that was raised for war that would also save many lives. but this is just an idea

there are two main advances by having the cloning process:there is the end of animal testing and saving many peoples lives. So please spread the word and tell people that cloning is OK because we need to advance to the future and use our technology. We need to advance to the future save more lives with human cloning. It really can save many lives, so, please, spread the word of the positive word of cloning. peoples lives rest in your hands!

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