Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dress code

Courtney Cook

What do you think about dress code? I think we need one because kids need to dress appropriately at school. The problem is that kids want to wear tank tops and short shorts to school. Dress code has been a major issue for years and it has helped stop violent tensions in school and improve academic achievement.

Throughout time, kids have had to deal with dress codes. “Dress codes in schools are not a new issue, history shows the world has been putting these rules into place since the early 1900’s, although the rules have changed over the years the reasoning behind them still stands strong.” Dress code are good and have been used for a long time. The dictum “Dress right, act right” was heard often in schools in the 1950s and ’60s during campaigns to curb “juvenile delinquency.” Students feel better when they are dressed well.

Students need to dress more appropriately because their future depends on it. “According to the U.S. Department of Education 47% of public schools in America enforce a strict dress code, not only are these schools working on increasing safety within their schools, but also dress codes are creating a better learning environment for the student.” I think if you dress more professional then you’ll learn better and do better. "Believe that uniforms will reduce discipline referrals, while improving attendance, achievement, self esteem, and school climate." I don’t think we need uniforms but I do think that dress code is important. I probably wouldn’t need dress code since I am old o dress appropriately. This is a problem because the way people dress affects their learning. Dress code has changed throughout the ages, but it helps students learn.

Dress codes exist because of gangs and violent behavior. Dress code protects students. “When students can wear what they choose, unfortunately some choose things that are not appropriate which affiliate them with gangs, violence, or have inappropriate sayings on them.” I think that schools should tell the students to dress professionally. “Proponents contend such measures instill discipline and prevent gang-related violence.” If students dress inappropriately then others students will be distracted and won’t get the learning they need. I think students have a hard enough time concentrating so if kids are aloud to dress inappropriately then they will have even harder time learning. Some people might say that letting students wear what they want gives them a way to express themselves or to be creative. However I say that students can express themselves in other ways that don’t involve the way that they dress and they can still dress in a way that expresses them, it just has to have a limit.

The way kids dress affects the way they act and learn. I think if schools would tell kids to dress more professionally then we would have a better learning environment. Kids that wear gang signs and bands on their clothes sometimes create problems because other students don’t like the band or gang they are wearing. It would be better if students wear nicer clothes and wear no bands or gang signs then learning would be a lot easier for students. I say to schools, get your students to dress more nicely and wear appropriate clothes so they can learn better!

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