Tuesday, November 2, 2010

nicks almost competed story

Do you like scary stories? Ones that will chill you to the bone, well if you do here’s a story for you. This response to literature is on the story "The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe. This creepy story was mainly about a demented man that absolutely hates an elderly man's big pale blue eye. One night he gets up and sneaks into this poor man’s house and kills him. Then, he disassembles him and hides him under the floorboards. That morning the police come and he goes crazy and tells the cops where the dead body is. This book displayed a very dark mood, has fantastic imagery, and has an interesting plot.

Next, this story is very dark and creepy because the narrator is always being very descriptive throughout the whole story. Poe’s writing supports this when he states, “he was stone dead." This makes the reader imagine a lifeless corpse; there is no movement whatsoever. Another good quote from the story is, “all a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones”. This quote makes the man in the story sound demented and horrible in all ways. It also gives the story a very dramatic touch. As you can see, Poe is very descriptive in his writing.

Edgar Allen Poe has been known for using great imagery, and here’s why. A quote that uses very, very good imagery is, “the disease had sharpened my senses-not destroyed-not dulled….”. This statement shows just how good of a writer Edgar Allen Poe was. “Presently I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was the groan of mortal terror.” That statement was said when the demented man was sneaking into the old mans house and he could hear the old man groaning. It really paints a picture in your mind when you hear this quote and it also gives you the chills.

One major component that makes this story so good is its outstanding plot. It’s interesting because it’s about a man that is vexed by an eye, not by the man but just his eye. So because of that he goes out one night and kills him. He dismembers him and puts him under the floorboards, everything went great, and no one would have known what happened to him because he hid him so well. But instead of getting away he goes insane and tells the police where he hid the body.