Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Life or Mr. McEvoy

Joan MacQueen’s new vice principal Mr.McEvoy is well loved by his fellow students. But not everyone knows who is really is and what his home life is like. Mr. McEvoy is a great man who is a loving father and a great part of the staff here at Joan MacQueen. Mr. McEvoy is an amazing influence to students here at JMMS. He worked very hard in his childhood to become successful today.

Mr. John Patrick McEvoy was born on May 20, 1972 in La Mesa, California. He was born to his two wonderful parents Marcia McEvoy and Rick LaZelle. He then grew up and went to school in Descanso. His parents were very strict and taught that school was the most important thing, which it is. He spent most of his time outside playing with his friends and reading books. He said his days went by slow but with little stress. His favorite memory from his childhood would be camping with his family at the dessert and the river. After graduating from Descanso elementary he attended Mountain Empire for middle and high school. Then after becoming a high school graduate he then went to San Diego State University. Where he received his teaching credential. During college he then met his sweetheart Wendy. Which leads us to Mr. McEvoy’s home life.

After college he then proposed to his college sweetheart, Wendy, in which they then got married. Later they then had three wonderful kids. Olivia who is 7, Ty who is 5, and Abby who is 4. Mr. McEvoy says that they was he was raised has a tremendous influence on the way he parents his children. He describes his home life has busy spending time with his kids and doing chores. He loves his job here at JMMS and says that we have some of the best kids he has ever taught, but he loves coming home at the end of the day to his family. His family is the most important thing to Mr. McEvoy. Now you know about his home life but do you know about him?


  1. you accidentally wrote on the first sentence" But not everyone knows who is really is" instead of who he really is :) just thought id let you know that. but overall, really good!!
