Tuesday, December 7, 2010


 Bundle, Jordan 

ELA 1/2 


Angela Marie Bundle             

Imagine being in your own TV show! Well,Angela is a very hard working mother who has actually even been on a TV show before. The TV show was called Totally Hidden Camera, which was a hilarious show. Angela grew up in Milwaukee, WI. Her date of birth is May 7 1976. She lived in San Diego County through out her life. Her parent’s names are Elizabeth and Jesse.  Angela Bundle  has lead a very interesting life during her childhood, teenage years, and adulthood.


      In addition Angela had a pleasant childhood. She loved to hang out with her big sister Kathy all the time. She also went on lots of crazy exiting adventures with her friends. Angela grew up with snow too which she loved so much. Angela was very lucky because mostly every one of her cousins was her age. So she also hung out with them a whole bunch. A quote that she said about her childhood was “I always annoyed her sister Kathy.”


      Therefore, Angela’s teenage life was kind of a, awkward stage. Angela, like lots of teenagers, went through lots of stages in her life, and sometimes got in trouble. But she was still very good in school. She always enjoyed going to the mall with her best friends. The thing she admired most, was to talk on the phone and meet “handsome” guys. A quote that Angela said about her teenage life was that “I was one of the toughest girl at school.”


Lastly Angela’s adulthood was very good. Angela got married to Riheem young so she grew up fast. She enjoyed raising her son Jordan. Her husband was away in the marines, so she had to raise her son, by herself when he was a baby. A quote Angela said about her adulthood was “A lot of guys liked me because i was pretty.”


To conclude, Angela has had a very nice and fun life. She has great memories of her childhood, teenage, and adulthood. She is very good to her son Jordan. Angela is a hard working mom while taking care of her son, going to work, And taking care of the house. Angela will always be a great mom.

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