Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tanner's essayyyyyyyyy! Boam!

Technology Essay

Do you ever wish you could make a classroom super fun? Well if I could create a new form of technology to make the classroom a better place, it would be iTable.

An iTable is like an iPad but bigger and indestructible and a lot cooler. It is just like a regular table but it is all touch screen, and when it is turned off it looks just like a real table. I think it would be used a lot in classes.

In the class it could be used for writing essays so we don’t have to go down to the computer lab. Also another way we would use the iTable is to research projects in class. Also if you need to use the internet for anything it would be there. And also I think the students would really enjoy the iTable.

A few ways that would help the teachers and students. One thing would saving a walk down to the computer lab everyday. Then we could stop wasting time walking to the computer lab and have more time to learn in class.

So do you ever wish you can make class a lot more fun. With the iTable you can, and it will be a lot easier in many ways. And it will make every a lot better and easier.

1 comment:

  1. boammmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! my life be like ooooo ahhhh.
    good essay :)
