Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Interactive binder reminders

Interactive Binder Reminders Sarah Robertson

  If you could invent any type of technology for classrooms, what would it be? I think using technology for classrooms would be a lot more useful because it would save a lot of paper and save a lot of money. If I could create a new form of technology to make the classroom a better place, it would be interactive binder reminders.


         An interactive binder reminder would look the same as our regular binder reminders but, when you open it, it would look like a computer.   One way I think that interactive binder reminders would be beneficial are instead of the teacher copying thirty pieces of paper and every student taking one, the teacher would put the assignment online and we could copy the assignment onto a word document and email the assignment to the teacher. Then, the teacher would grade the assignment online and email the grade back to you. I think this would be a lot more helpful to teachers and students because it would save paper. Also, students wouldn’t have to carry around a backpack full of books. All in all, interactive binder reminders would be extremely helpful.


       Interactive binder reminders would be extremely beneficial because instead of every student walking down to the computer lab everyday, then we could stay in our classrooms and work in their binder reminders. This would also save a lot of time because, when every student walks down to the computer lab it takes at least five minutes to get everyone logged in and ready. With the interactive binder reminder, we could get into the classroom and take out the binder reminder and start working.  As you can see, interactive binder reminders would save a lot of time and energy.


       Another reason the interactive binder reminder would be useful is because it wouldn’t need Wi-Fi. This would be helpful because everyone’s binder reminder would work a lot faster. A faster binder reminder means you could work faster, get your work done sooner and turn it in earlier. Lastly, interactive binder reminders would work faster than computers and students would turn in their work faster.


            If I could create a new form of technology to make the classroom a better place, it would be interactive binder reminders. I think technology in classrooms would be more useful because it would save paper, money and time. As you can see, an interactive binder reminder would be a great addition to classrooms.  

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