Friday, March 25, 2011

drunk driving research report, (send)

Drunk Driving


      Imagine you are driving 120 miles per hour in a car, turning the corner on the freeway, seeing a big semi truck and not being able to stop. This is how millions of people feel almost every day because they made the unintelligent idea to drink and then drive. It has been estimated that approximately 10, 839 people would die this year due to drunk driving. As you can see, drunk driving affects people all over, even if your not drunk driving, you can be a victim. 

         Did you know that there are over 72,500 injures and deaths per year form people who drink while drive? People who drink say that drinking doesn’t effect there driving, although it’s a proven fact that it does effect their driving. Many people who do drink are people who, are stressed out, unsure about themselves, think it will make them more fun to be around, or make them fit in with every one else. Teens, who do drugs and drink, use the excuse that everyone’s doing it. Although, they never stopped to think that if I do drink then drive, then how will it affect me, or do I want to stay safe? Drunk driving will effect yourself and sometime others. Kids who start drinking at a young age are most likely to be in an alcohol-related crash.  They also affect many innocent people everyday. More than 10 innocent victims die from drunk driving a day. In 2000, 16,653 people died in the U.S. from drunk driving. Help stop drunk driving and make a difference. 

   Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is absolutely preventable. Although, the amount of crashes that are alcohol-related has dropped dramatically in recent decades. There are still too many car accidents that are avoidable. The proportion of alcohol-related crash fatalities has fallen 35%, but the quantity of traffic deaths not associated with alcohol have moved up to 53%. Most people who drink while driving have low blood alcohol content or concentration and few are involved in fatal crashes. Drinking and driving remains a serious national problem that tragically effects many victims today.

 In despite of all the warnings, public awareness, stiffer penalties for violations, and efforts by law enforcement agencies across the nation to protect the highways, people will still get behind the wheel of their vehicles while being drunk or intoxicated. These types of people will most likely end up in a fatal crash or accident. For example, if you needed a ride in a vehicle from a friend of yours to get to a certain destination, and you knew that they were drinking don not get into the car. If you are in the same vehicle with a drunk driver then you will most likely end up in a car crash, which may even lead to the end of your own life. Many victims die this way and over thousands of people die each and every year from drunk drivers.

In conclusion, you don’t have to drink and then drive to be a victim of drunk driving. It has been estimated that approximately 10, 839 people will die this year due to drunk driving. Millions of people make that unintelligent idea to drink then drive. As you can see, many people are affected by drunk driving everyday, and you can make the smart choice of not to drink and drive.